Hip Tightness Routine
This routine is designed to help relax and bring relief to tight hip muscles. This routine combines dynamic stretching with vibration. Additionally, there’s steps to relieve hips from prolonged sitting and additional resources for other hip related problems.
1. Warm Ups- Dynamic Stretching
In order to release tight hips, dynamic stretches are often more useful than static stretches
a) Kneeling Hip flexor Stretch
Placement: Front Hip Flexor
Setting Used: Recovery Type 3
Duration: Hold the stretch for up to 30 seconds (30 Knee bends per side, 2 Sets)
Video Guide: https://youtu.be/Q8cXbWeXC1k
b) Dynamic Clamshell Stretch
Placement: Glute (Piriformis Muscle)
Setting Used: Performance -> Glutes
Duration: 20-30 Reps
Lying on your side, with knees bent raise your outer leg Perform each rep for up to 2 seconds until you feel a stretch. Use a resistance band to increase the load
2. Counteract Sitting Damage
Sitting for long periods can leave your glutes underactive and your hips contracted and weak. Use these settings after sitting for an extended period of time.
a) Release your Hips
Placement: Place on the side of your hips
Setting Used: Warm-Up Type 2
Duration: Use for 5-10 Minutes, twice a day
Activity: Use while standing, doing small stretches, or walking around
b) Activate Glutes
Placement: Place on the glute muscle following the app placement
Setting Used: Performance -> Glute Medius
Duration: Use for up to 10 minutes for every 2 hours of sitting
Activity: You can periodically squeeze your glutes with these vibrations or simply walk around for the duration of the vibrations.
3. Recovery/ Relieve Tight Muscles
Great to use after stretches, hip exercises or anytime you feel tightness in your hips.
Settings Used: Recovery Type 1 & Type 3
Benefits: Recovery type 1 helps to bring blood flow, Recovery Type 3 to bring relief to the hips
Placement: Place on the front of your hips or on the side (Wherever you feel tightness)
Suggested Use Example: Use for 5 minutes on Recovery Type 1, then 10-15 minutes of Recovery Type 3.
4. Other Resources
a) Hip Mobility & Exercises Routine
Here’s another Hip routine that has exercises you can do to strengthen the hip muscles and the muscles around the hips. Hip Mobility Routine
b) Hip Instability When Walking
If you feel unstable where your hips connect with your torso as well as if you struggle to lift your leg when you step.
Setting Used: Performance-Guided Reps Type 2 & 3
Duration: Use for up to 30 minutes at a time
Placement: Follow the picture below
Use: Use the settings while walking, try to time your steps with the vibrations. As you increase your walking speed, change the settings you use from Guided Reps Type 2 to Type 3.