Pulse Device uses Localized Vibration Technology to send tiny vibrations through your skin and muscle(s) - up to 120 times a second.
Vibration training and therapy activates more muscles, improves motor function, enhances proprioception, increases strength, improves circulation, and assists muscle recovery. Whether you want to have more effective warm-ups, workouts, recovery, or rehabilitation, the Pulse Device has you covered.
Shop NowTrusted by Health & Fitness Professionals

Chad Guerrero - Board Certified Orthopedic Occupational Therapist
"I've been a practicing therapist for 20 years in which time I've used a huge variety of complementary and supplemental products. The Pulse Device is by far one of the best products that has a humble price given its effectiveness. I use the device daily in my practice where every person that I've used it on has reported feeling more successful with functional movements and exercises. Hands down one me of my favorite “go to” tools!!!"

Geoff Puls - Head Strength & Conditioning Coach, Chicago Bulls
"The Pulse Device is truly a unique and intuitive idea. The ability to locally “que” specific muscle groups with a gently proprioceptive vibration has helped us improve movement quality during training and rehab. These devices have become a valued tool for our performance coaches and athletes alike and we will continue to utilize them during our daily training and rehab sessions."

Chris Leary - Head Athletic Trainer, SCSU
"I think one of the most important questions with products is the “why” behind them. I saw firsthand the correct activation of our target muscles in a student-athlete while performing rehab for his ACL. That mind body connection which the device is focused on is fundamental in post-surgical rehab programs."

The Pulse Device emits sequenced vibrations that mimic a pulse directly onto your muscles. This repetitively draws your attentional focus to the muscle and drastically improves your proprioception (muscle sense). This concept is based off the training/rehabilitation technique called muscle tapping, where someone gently taps on the target muscle while you're performing an exercise to increase engagement of said muscle. These attentional cues have been proven to increase muscle activity and even hypertrophy.

Decrease Pain & Boost Recovery
Local vibration can drastically reduce chronic pain as shown by wide ranging scientific literature. In addition, local vibration has been shown to improve blood flow and decrease muscle soreness post-exercise making LVT devices such as Pulse a more portable and hands off alternative percussive therapy to massage guns.

The Pulse Device utilizes low-frequency vibrations that are proven to help you activate more muscle fibers in the targeted area. This occurs because the vibrations force your muscle to try and stabilize itself, leading to that same muscle working substantially harder. This facilitates stronger contractions that lead to more results.

Increase Strength
Local vibration training and therapy has been proven to dramatically increase strength. Whether you're just trying to get back to your old self after dealing with an injury or condition, or you just have a certain weak area that you want to improve, the Pulse Device is the perfect tool for you.

Local vibration therapy presents a range of benefits for individuals undergoing motor function rehabilitation or who just want that extra edge. Its ability to enhance muscle strength, improve coordination, and promote neuroplasticity makes it a valuable tool in modern rehabilitation practices. You may want to consider adding the Pulse Device to your routine to enhance motor function and enable proper movement of inhibited muscles.

Repair Muscle Imbalances
By providing a cue that trains your brain to know exactly where specific muscles are, the Pulse Device helps users repair even their most stubborn muscle imbalances. These imbalances can be a result of performance differences (ie. using one side more than another), injury, or neurological defect. Whether you have a lagging muscle that just won't seem to grow, or you've had an injury that has prevented you from isolating a certain muscle, we got you.

The low-frequency vibrations used by the Pulse Device have also been shown to drastically improve blood flow. This can potentially help to improve tissue health and decrease recovery time.
Shop NowFrequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most common questions we get:
How does the Pulse Device work?
The Pulse Device sticks directly onto your muscle(s) and sends out localized vibrations that help you perform better and recover faster.
Localized Vibration Training (LVT) is an evolution of Whole Body Vibration (WBV) Training, whereby instead of applying a vibration to the whole body through a vibrating platform, the vibrations are targeted on individual muscles. These vibrations are naturally occurring low-frequency sinusoidal vibrations, which increase muscle activity in the target area and improve performance, rehabilitation from injury, recovery after exercise, and even preparation for exercise. In conjunction, these vibrations mimic an old bodybuilding technique called muscle tapping, where your spotter gently taps on the muscle you’re training in order to strengthen your mind-muscle connection with said muscle. Our product imitates this tapping feeling by creating a vibrational pulse directly onto the target muscle.
Can I use the Pulse Device in conjunction with my rehabilitation?
Absolutely! The Pulse Device uses local vibrations that have been proven to improve muscle strength, motor function, proprioception, activation, circulation, and more. It's great to utilize in conjunction with your rehabilitation protocols so that you can live and feel better than ever before.
How does the Pulse Device stick to your body?
The Pulse Device utilizes medical grade silicone gel adhesives that can last for up to 3 workouts. These adhesives are double-sided, moisture resistant, and easy to use. Once one side becomes less sticky, flip it over and use the other side for the skin! Since you get 20 adhesives when purchasing the bundle, you won't have to repurchase for many months. We encourage our customers to take advantage of the alcohol wipes that we provide because the longevity of the adhesive goes up substantially if you apply it on dry, clean skin. You can even apply water droplets to the adhesive to clean any dirt off of them and help them last even longer.
Can I train more effectively with the Pulse Device?
Absolutely! The Pulse Device helps fitness enthusiasts of every level take their workouts to the next level. Whether you're a beginner who is just getting started, an intermediate lifter who has been training for 6-12 months, or even an expert who has been working out for years, our product will help you feel, activate, and grow your muscles. If you're someone who feels like their plateuing, has muscle imbalances (ie. right bicep bigger than the left bicep), can't activate certain muscles, can't feel certain muscles working, can't break past genetic weak points, can't seem to get a good pump, or someone who just wants to intensify their workouts, our product is for YOU!
Can I recover faster with the Pulse Device?
Yes, dramatically! Low frequency vibrations utilized by the Pulse Device have been shown to reduce pain pressure, and muscle soreness, making our product a more portable and hands off alternative percussive therapy to massage guns.