Pulse Routine: FOOT DROP

Pulse Routine: FOOT DROP

As performed by Guerrero Rehabilitation Clinic



Placing the Devices

For One Leg: Place the devices on your tib anterior. Ideally, you’ll want one device slightly below the top of the tib anterior (about 2-3 inches away from your knee) and one device about 3 inches below that.

For Both Legs Simultaneously: Place the devices in the middle of your tib anterior. Use the Pulse Straps if you have them for increased sensation and to ensure they stay on as you move.







Exercises & Recovery

Below are two exercises and recovery protocol for improving function and mind-muscle connection to the affected muscles.

1.       Foot Raises (Increase Muscle Engagement and Proprioception)

Setting Used: Performance-> Legs -> Calf

Exercise: Sitting in a chair, flex your foot and point your toes upwards. If unable to do this use your other hand to flex your foot.

Video Guide: Foot Raises  and  Assisted Foot Raises

Frequency: Perform for a total of 10 times each foot. Do this up to 3 times


2.       Dorsiflexion Focused Walking

Settings Used: Rehab -> Motor Function -> Pick Your Specific Case

Benefit: This exercise’s focus is to help retrain your walking muscles and the mind's connection to the muscles.

Exercise: Each time you lift a foot to take a step make a conscious effort to flex your tibialis anterior muscle by pointing your toe upwards at the top of each step.

Video Guide:  Dorsiflexion Placement and Walking Video


3.       Decrease Tightness (May Be Beneficial For Those Who’ve Experienced Paralysis)

Setting Used: Rehab -> Motor Function -> Pick Your Specific Case

Time: Up to 15 Minutes at a time

Frequency: Once a day (or more if harsh tightness) as well as before or after physical therapy.

Exercise: No movement required, these vibrations can be applied while sitting on the couch or wherever.