Pulse Strap
This comfortable and readjustable strap allows users to hold their Pulse Device(s) in place on their legs, arms, and shoulders.
This strap can be used in conjunction with the adhesives to add more pressure to the vibrations and stabilize the device on body hair and sweat. Depending on skin type, some users can even use this strap with no adhesive at all.
This strap can also be adjusted to different sizes and acts as a one-size fits all for the muscle groups mentioned above. It comes with an extra piece, allowing it to be used on larger muscle groups.
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Free shipping on all U.S. orders. Please allow between 3-5 business days for U.S. orders to deliver. We accept international orders from everywhere except for Brazil, India, Russia, and Venezuela.

• Control your Pulse Devices
• Adjust Vibration Strength
• View Optimal Device Placement
• View Training Tips & Motivation